I don't work here anymore.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Well, tomorrow is my last day at Videorama so I made a sign to let everyone know that I won't be here for much longer.

Considering our printer is from 1994, I'd say this sign turned out pretty well. (I did [obviously] go over the words with a Sharpie though.) I feel like being extremely lazy today so I'm just tumblring, drinking multiple Red Bulls and listening to Paul Simon all day. SUCK IT CHRIS! ;]
Considering our printer is from 1994, I'd say this sign turned out pretty well. (I did [obviously] go over the words with a Sharpie though.) I feel like being extremely lazy today so I'm just tumblring, drinking multiple Red Bulls and listening to Paul Simon all day. SUCK IT CHRIS! ;]
Thursday, August 5, 2010
The Maid
I walk into work today only to find the biggest fucking mess I've ever seen in my entire life. It literally looked like a military obstacle course. It was a Labrynth! I'm all about order and cleanliness so when I saw the piles among piles of movies on the floor I damn near had a panic attack. 1, because of the mayhem and A, because I was the one who was expected to clean and organize the whole shebang. (It sucks being so reliable.) My manager decided he wanted to expand the blu-ray section to an entire wall instead of 4 or 5 racks. To do this he had to take a few hundred movies from off the shelves and now I'm in the process of making them all either catalog titles or sell through movies. (And here I was thinking my last 4 days of work were going to be work free!) The whole thing was definately more chaotic than it should have been, a well thought out plan poorly executed. I'm not over reacting about the mess either!

I immediately sat my ass down on the grimy floor and got to work. A short forty five minutes later I had finished arranging the unkempt stacks into systematically thought out piles.

I immediately sat my ass down on the grimy floor and got to work. A short forty five minutes later I had finished arranging the unkempt stacks into systematically thought out piles.
(Why are guys so untidy?! Except my ex boyfriend, clean freak! But in a good way.) Now I just have to make the piles disappear! How much money would you like to wager that Brian isn't going to participate AT ALL in helping out with this project..
Ontop of actually having to work today I managed to flash a child. I'm wearing a sleeveless maxi dress and in an attempt to get up to help a customer, I stood up from my sitting position and accidently stepped on the bottom of my dress and the top got pulled down to my waist. All in a day's work my friends.
Monday, August 2, 2010
The Facebook Job
I'm not sure how much this has to do with Videorama, other than the fact that I found out about it while I was at work.. but I need to fucking vent. So here it goes..
I was at work, trying to buy this cute little Olive colored rayon ruffle dress online. 50% off. BOOM! But as I kept trying to click "PURCHASE" the order wouldn't go through. I'm almost always a frugal bitch so I KNEW I had enough money in my account to buy it. (It was a MUST own type of dress, one that I'll never own now) I go onto my online bank account just to make sure.. see if there are any purchases pending, something that might hold up my account.. AND WHAT DO YOU KNOW! Some phantom faggot has just purchased $200 worth of Facebook credits. WHAT THE WHAT!! OF ALL THE THINGS TO BUY WITH STOLEN MONEY!!!!! If I had two hundred extra dollars you can bet your fat cellulite ass that I'd buy those black Jeffrey Campbell 'Charli-C' cloggs (Size 9) I've been eyeing for the past 3 months.
I was so shocked and scared that I wouldn't get that money back that I puked up my Redbull all over the floor. (That would make this the 3rd consecutive day I've puked at work. Thank you very much.) I immediately emailed Facebook saying WHAT THE FUCK YOU FUCKING NERDS?! I WANT MY MONEY BACK AND I WANT IT NOW! I've got bundles of Plan-B to buy! Rite Aid jacked the price a few months ago, so you knowww those life savers aint cheap. After emailing those jack offs I closed up my work and ran to my bank (thank god it's only a block away) I run in, go to the nearest clerk and yell "HELP! I'VE BEEN ROBBED!" Of course I wasn't thinking rationally at the time, and I'm sure "I need some assistance with some fraudulant activity on my account please" would have been a better thing to blurt out but stealing my money is some serious business. Especially since I rarely have any, and ESPECIALLY since I'm moving in a week and need that money for the drive down to California.
They froze my account, ordered me a new card and told me to "come back tomorrow." Uhhh.. why?! Apparently the money is all pending so they can't do anything until it goes through. Ohh, so you mean you can't do anything until the money is literally taken out of my account?! Wouldn't it be easier to just stop the transaction from going through?! The Dude said that I would get my money back, it was all just a matter of time (matter of time being 10 to 14 days.) Well, that's all fine and dandy but I'm moving on the 12th and I'm gonna need that money back right about yesterday.
Now I'm back at work obviously, and I'm assuming some other poor little girl in my position would be crying right about now.. and I just might have if I wasn't the least surprised that this fucking happened to me. When my first customer of the day was literally on fucking meth I knew today was going to be interesting. I'll keep 'you' posted on all my financial woes.
And incase you feel really bad for me, and would like to cheer me up.. BUY ME!
I was at work, trying to buy this cute little Olive colored rayon ruffle dress online. 50% off. BOOM! But as I kept trying to click "PURCHASE" the order wouldn't go through. I'm almost always a frugal bitch so I KNEW I had enough money in my account to buy it. (It was a MUST own type of dress, one that I'll never own now) I go onto my online bank account just to make sure.. see if there are any purchases pending, something that might hold up my account.. AND WHAT DO YOU KNOW! Some phantom faggot has just purchased $200 worth of Facebook credits. WHAT THE WHAT!! OF ALL THE THINGS TO BUY WITH STOLEN MONEY!!!!! If I had two hundred extra dollars you can bet your fat cellulite ass that I'd buy those black Jeffrey Campbell 'Charli-C' cloggs (Size 9) I've been eyeing for the past 3 months.
I was so shocked and scared that I wouldn't get that money back that I puked up my Redbull all over the floor. (That would make this the 3rd consecutive day I've puked at work. Thank you very much.) I immediately emailed Facebook saying WHAT THE FUCK YOU FUCKING NERDS?! I WANT MY MONEY BACK AND I WANT IT NOW! I've got bundles of Plan-B to buy! Rite Aid jacked the price a few months ago, so you knowww those life savers aint cheap. After emailing those jack offs I closed up my work and ran to my bank (thank god it's only a block away) I run in, go to the nearest clerk and yell "HELP! I'VE BEEN ROBBED!" Of course I wasn't thinking rationally at the time, and I'm sure "I need some assistance with some fraudulant activity on my account please" would have been a better thing to blurt out but stealing my money is some serious business. Especially since I rarely have any, and ESPECIALLY since I'm moving in a week and need that money for the drive down to California.
They froze my account, ordered me a new card and told me to "come back tomorrow." Uhhh.. why?! Apparently the money is all pending so they can't do anything until it goes through. Ohh, so you mean you can't do anything until the money is literally taken out of my account?! Wouldn't it be easier to just stop the transaction from going through?! The Dude said that I would get my money back, it was all just a matter of time (matter of time being 10 to 14 days.) Well, that's all fine and dandy but I'm moving on the 12th and I'm gonna need that money back right about yesterday.
Now I'm back at work obviously, and I'm assuming some other poor little girl in my position would be crying right about now.. and I just might have if I wasn't the least surprised that this fucking happened to me. When my first customer of the day was literally on fucking meth I knew today was going to be interesting. I'll keep 'you' posted on all my financial woes.
And incase you feel really bad for me, and would like to cheer me up.. BUY ME!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
The Hungover
On an average, only 2 people come into this store during the first hour that we're open. (Open noon to 10:58pm EVERYDAY) So it only makes sense that the one day I'm hungover (And not the, oh 'sick is me' type of hungover.. the 'puke up water, dry heave when nothing is left in the stomach' hungover.) 3 people come in within the first 5 minutes. And OF COURSE, 2 of the 3 people wanted to sign up to be 'members.' I literally had to excuse myself from helping a customer so I could run to the bathroom and projectile vomit all over the toilet. Thank god it's only been liquid.
These past few months I've cut waaaay back on drinking. Like, drink only on Saturdays and even then only 2 or 3 beers. But the fact that I'm moving soon makes people want to hang out with me (of course they didn't want to hang out before they knew I was moving.) And "hanging out" to most people means going out to drink until 2:30 in the morning and making 19 year old baby momma strippers put their boobs in my face (and almost my mouth.) FINE. I'll go out and drink with you, but only if I'm not paying! Which lately happens to be the case. (BLAMO!)
But when I move (in 11 days!) you are NOT going to find me going out to bars. And NOT because I don't think there actually even are bars in Pismo, but because I can't handle the hangovers anymore. If I have more than 2 beers, you will definately find me in the bathroom puking my liver out. As fun as it sounds and as skinny as it's making me look, I'm OVER IT. I might as well be preggo, I've already got the morning sickness down to a T.

These past few months I've cut waaaay back on drinking. Like, drink only on Saturdays and even then only 2 or 3 beers. But the fact that I'm moving soon makes people want to hang out with me (of course they didn't want to hang out before they knew I was moving.) And "hanging out" to most people means going out to drink until 2:30 in the morning and making 19 year old baby momma strippers put their boobs in my face (and almost my mouth.) FINE. I'll go out and drink with you, but only if I'm not paying! Which lately happens to be the case. (BLAMO!)
But when I move (in 11 days!) you are NOT going to find me going out to bars. And NOT because I don't think there actually even are bars in Pismo, but because I can't handle the hangovers anymore. If I have more than 2 beers, you will definately find me in the bathroom puking my liver out. As fun as it sounds and as skinny as it's making me look, I'm OVER IT. I might as well be preggo, I've already got the morning sickness down to a T.
This is my Hangover Helper Kit but it's not working like it used to.
P.S. I'm getting really annoyed at how "cool" Shark Week is getting. Fuck off people! Shark Week has ALWAYS been cool! You just only recently started watching it so you never knew! And SINCE you only started watching it (presumably because other people do and you want to try and fit in because you're a big dikey loser!) you don't deserve to watch it! Go back to watching Jersey Shore nerds!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Smiley Face
Friday night, last customer of the night.. "Find me a good movie and I'll give you a present."
Well, I found the guy TWO good French horror movies and what I got in return?.. A perfectly rolled joint. I've had many conversations with this customer (we're even friends on Facebook, doh!) so I wasn't surprised at all that this is what he gave me.
I had planned on going out to Matador that night to hang out with one of my ex flings, so I told my new favorite customer to wait a bit so we could grab a beer on the way. He stood outside for 10 minutes while I closed up shop and then we went to Le Happy for a quick drink and some friendly conversation. (He's actually very familiar with Pismo Beach [where I'm from/moving back to] so we actually had shit to talk about. No awkward silences!) I didn't light up the joint while I was with him (rude?) because after I smoke weed my brain pretty much shuts down, and I had a long night ahead of me (and I'd already popped a valium).. so I saved it. For last night!
BLAMO! I smoked that doobie so hard last night and I GOT SO FUCKING HIGH. Usually when I smoke, I eat a lot of peanut butter and then pass out. Well last night I was able to put in a movie (Old School) and watch a majority of it. I was so stoned I convinced myself that Will Ferrell completed his scenes infront of a green screen. I got 'laugh at unfunny shit' high. I still have about half an inch of that joint left and I'm going to smoke it ALL tonight. BEST. WEED. EVER.

Well, I found the guy TWO good French horror movies and what I got in return?.. A perfectly rolled joint. I've had many conversations with this customer (we're even friends on Facebook, doh!) so I wasn't surprised at all that this is what he gave me.
I had planned on going out to Matador that night to hang out with one of my ex flings, so I told my new favorite customer to wait a bit so we could grab a beer on the way. He stood outside for 10 minutes while I closed up shop and then we went to Le Happy for a quick drink and some friendly conversation. (He's actually very familiar with Pismo Beach [where I'm from/moving back to] so we actually had shit to talk about. No awkward silences!) I didn't light up the joint while I was with him (rude?) because after I smoke weed my brain pretty much shuts down, and I had a long night ahead of me (and I'd already popped a valium).. so I saved it. For last night!
BLAMO! I smoked that doobie so hard last night and I GOT SO FUCKING HIGH. Usually when I smoke, I eat a lot of peanut butter and then pass out. Well last night I was able to put in a movie (Old School) and watch a majority of it. I was so stoned I convinced myself that Will Ferrell completed his scenes infront of a green screen. I got 'laugh at unfunny shit' high. I still have about half an inch of that joint left and I'm going to smoke it ALL tonight. BEST. WEED. EVER.

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