I walk into work today only to find the biggest fucking mess I've ever seen in my entire life. It literally looked like a military obstacle course. It was a Labrynth! I'm all about order and cleanliness so when I saw the piles among piles of movies on the floor I damn near had a panic attack. 1, because of the mayhem and A, because I was the one who was expected to clean and organize the whole shebang. (It sucks being so reliable.) My manager decided he wanted to expand the blu-ray section to an entire wall instead of 4 or 5 racks. To do this he had to take a few hundred movies from off the shelves and now I'm in the process of making them all either catalog titles or sell through movies. (And here I was thinking my last 4 days of work were going to be work
free!) The whole thing was definately more chaotic than it should have been, a well thought out plan poorly executed. I'm not over reacting about the mess either!

I immediately sat my ass down on the grimy floor and got to work. A short forty five minutes later I had finished arranging the unkempt stacks into systematically thought out piles.

(Why are guys so untidy?! Except my ex boyfriend, clean freak! But in a good way.) Now I just have to make the piles disappear! How much money would you like to wager that Brian isn't going to participate AT ALL in helping out with this project..
Ontop of actually having to work today I managed to flash a child. I'm wearing a sleeveless maxi dress and in an attempt to get up to help a customer, I stood up from my sitting position and accidently stepped on the bottom of my dress and the top got pulled down to my waist. All in a day's work my friends.

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