Confessions of a Videodrome
Imagine that thing walking around and talking.. well I saw it first hand.
I was minding my own business, taking old movies off the shelf at work and I hear a little voice ask "What yous name? What yous doin?" I look down and see a little asian child. I don't normally find anything Asian intriguing or attractive, especially children since I dislike them ALL, but this tot melllted my heart.
I play along and answer her questions, which are (in order): Why doooin that? I can haves one? What is re ranging? Why doings that? I dunno whats that iz? Hewwo?
I was sad to see her go.
I'll never forget you Ning Ning
UPDATE! Ning Ning just came back with her memaw.. we talked about Diego. Then they left because she had to pee and could only hold it "for a little bit longer." Loooove
I was never one for Audrey Hepburn, for no real reason in particular.. mostly because a lot of people like her.. but the other night my roommate was talking about Breakfast at Tiffany's and how good it is and that'd I'd probably like it.. (I have her to thank for talking me into watching SATC) so I figured if she was right about that, she might be right about this one.. and she was.
Breakfast at Tiffany's is amazing, Holly reminds me so much of myself (whether that's good or bad I haven't decided.) You're sucked into the movie the second it comes on, and for such a well shot, quality movie, it's extremely racist, comparable to Gran Torino,.. just.. more subtle.. (which doesn't bother me one bit.) It's witty, pre-ironic (same thing?), and just fun to watch. I'm not sure if guys would enjoy it, but it's definately 'an all girls slumber party' type of movie.
Now I love Audrey Hepburn and plan on watching all her movies. New obsession? Chyeahhh
I knowwwww, right! It made me think.. a movie about stupid rich people.. nooo thank you.. but for some reason I decided to take it home the other night.. and I'm glad I did! It kind of reminded me of Igby Goes Down (my all time favourite movie along with The Goonies and Con Air) It was well cast and it had a few interesting plot twists, although it DID kind of just end abruptly. I fell madly in love with Donald Sutherland's character (ME, in love with an extremely old person? Odd.) and I kinda wanted Diane Lane's character to be my mother, even though she's a coke addict.. or.. was?
I'm going to give it a B-
Below I've supplied a visual feast, enjoy
Has ANYONE seen this show before?! I was putting movies away the other week and saw the cover of this tv show and was like.. this seems farmiliar and interesting.. I shall watch it! (I finished The L Word) And I was right, it was farmiliar, I saw the pilot episode way back in 2005, it was about the devil, good and evil and what not.. love the devil, so I decided to continue watching.. this show is sooo good. It only lasted for 1 season which sucks (half of the episodes weren't even aired!)
The plot is pretty much The Omen with a chick, and she tries to be good and not bad.. I LOVED the fact that evil wins in the end, AND it's actually scary! A scary tv show?! Unheard of! And, all the dudes in it are very nice to look at..
That's about it.. watch this.