Monday, September 14, 2009

The Inside Job

If I could write a formal complaint to the owners/manager of this place about my coworker.. lemme tell you.. I would. I've had it!

(I guess you could consider this my informal complaint)

I self prescribe myself illegal medication to modify my mental state, and these little blue pills (or are they the red ones?) make me extremely tired the day after. If I don't have to work I usually sleep in until at least 2pm and then lay in bed all day and watch movies. Well, TODAY I did have to work. I got up at 9am and I could hardly keep my eyes open so I went upstairs to make coffee.. all out. Then I remembered I didn't drink my Starbucks from yesterday so I hopped in the shower, ate some facon and came to work.

I turn off the alarm, turn on the lights, clock in.. go to the fridge.. My.. my.. my Starbucks! It's.. GONE!


I got so mad I was literally cursing up a storm and jumping up and down. If that wasn't a Veruca Salt outburst/tantrum I don't know what is.

This has happened on numerous occasions, and everytime it seems to be the time when I need my caffeine the most. It's comparable to coming home from a long days work and knowing you have 1 beer in the fridge, going to get it and then finding out your roommate drank it.

Brain, if you're reading this.. I know it was you. Of course you realize, this means war. I wouldn't leave anything in the fridge from now on..

Have you seen her?


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