TODAY however was a different story. I started the day off complaining about how I was craving Chipotle (nothing new) I mentioned it a couple times and then stopped whining about it. Then almost 2 hours later a man comes in with 2 big bags that say CHIPOTLE. He sets one on the counter. Jokingly I ask, "Those for me?" He replies with a "Yes" I'm confused at first but then he tells us he's the general manager and decided to bring us some burritos. At this point I'm freaking the fuck out. He gives us the bags and right before he leaves he says "Hope you like pork." I stand there and my manager looks at me and just laughs. ...I'm a vegetarian...
I get so upset I pop a vicodin and think twice about taking another. I was already in a foul mood and this didn't help whatsoever. I start eating my feelings (saltines and cream cheese) and try not thinking about my crazy bad luck. THEN the worst thing you could possibly imagine happened.
A friend that works at Starbucks (Hey Deneb!) came in with a bag and goes "you guys want a burrito from Chipotle?" I got extremely excited and then found out that it too had meat in it. I nearly cried.
I think Alanis Morissette would have something to say about this situation
Feast on THIS

Update: 12/28/09
I caved and finally bought Chipotle before work this morning. And it made me sick and now I'm going to go puke it all up. OF course.
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