When I got to work today my manager immediately spilled the deets to me about his worst customers of the day and started cracking ugly jokes. It's how we bond. After mentioning to him how glad I was that I never go out of my way to be nice to someone (unless, of course, I know I can get something from the person. Survival instinct. We can't all be blessed with it) he blurted out "I've gotten two complaints about you in the past two days. From two different people. Both of them said you were always grumpy." Looooves it. It's times like these I'm glad I don't care what people think about me (if I did would I be nicer?) He didn't want to tell me who the customers were for fear I would make sure to be especially nasty to them on a regular basis (he knows me so well) but I coerced him. (I've learned that threatening people always works out in my favor)
He told me the first person's name and I had no idea who he was talking about, so it's very likely that I was "grumpy" to this person. When he mentioned the second name I was blown away! I had always believed that I was nice to this person. Always. Mainly because he's black and kind of because he's cute. I'd even seen this guy on my walk to work earlier and managed a slight wave and tilt of the head. Something I never do,.. usually when I see a customer on the street I walk the other way.. So, what the crap?
1. I could start being fake nice to him so he'd be all like, what was I saying? She's such a lovely lady. How could I have thought she was grumpy?! 2. Stay the same? Meh.. 3. Being rude has always seemed to treat me right.
And that was just the beginning of my work day. A little later (after Chris had left of course) this woman opens the door and kind of just stands there with movies in one hand and her phone in the other. I get the feeling that she's about to cry. Aaaand she does. WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO, I'm not one for consoling. So, I do the most logical thing. Just stand there until she stops. She eventually hands me her movies and tells me they're late and that she has more late movies that she won't be able to return until the next day. OK OK no problem! And do you KNOW what she says!! (After she starts crying again of course)
"My mom's dying."
Seriously? You're gonna do me like that? What can you do? I'm not a monster, I deleted her late fees.

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