Well, after 15 minutes of being awake I decided I was either going to go back to bed and sleep through my day off or go to the movies. So I got dressed and took the shame train to the Clackamas Town Center. My sister works at the theater there so she lets me in fo frizzle. (Yes I go to the theater by myself. I prefer to actually.) First up on my list was The Crazies.
I'm gonna give it a 5 on the richter scale. My favorite movies are when people go pyscho, show no mercy, eat people and kill everyone and that's what this movie was about so it already had one leg up. Although it was rather slow, it had some pretty frightening scenes. (*I rather enjoyed the funeral parlor scene.) I really liked the cast.. Timothy Olyphant, Mmmmm! But I'll tell you one thing I absolutely did NOT like. The mother fucking ending. What the crap was that?! I hate those types of endings. I call them "The Hills Have Eyes Endings." You know, the I'm gonna have the characters go through all this shit, have them think they survive and then show the audience that they're doomed to die no matter what they do/did. Buuuuullshit!

After that movie ended, I went and hid in the bathroom for like 4 minutes and then snuck into my 2nd movie for the night. Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief. I forgot it was a kids movie, so I was really surprised and annoyed when all these pre-teens started showing up. (I realllllly dislike anyone between the ages of 5 and 20 so this was my worst nightmare.) It was all downhill from there. I was starving, my ass hurt from sitting too long and the movie sucked. They completely butchered the book. Actually, the one thing that pissed me off the most was that the main female character's hair was brown. It's fuckin supposed to be BLONDE! All the book talked about was how beautiful her blonde hair was. Come on man, at least give me that. And Steve Coogan as Hades??!! BOOOOO This movie gets a 2.

I think on Tuesday (my next day off) I'm gonna go for another DIY double feature. And no you can't come.
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