I'm embarrassed to say this but I.. enjoyed this movie. It is in NO WAY "Best Picture" material but it's worth the watch. I can't believe I just said that. I was so hesitant to even watch this movie, for the same reason I didn't want to watch Precious, but I did and I'm glad. You go Sandra. Get em girl!
Brothers [4]

After I saw the preview for this movie I was extremely excited to watch it. Meh. Jake Gyllenhaal was nice to look at but that's about it. BUT, I didn't turn it off! I wouldn't pay to watch this movie but if it was on tv I wouldn't change the channel.
Fantastic Mr. Fox [10]

Yeah, that's right. A fucking TEN. This movie was FANTASTIC. No pun intended. I saw this in the theater and was constantly laughing out loud. I didn't even care that there were other people sitting near me. Definately a must watch, must own type of movie. I love you Wes Anderson. (Except I didn't find Bottle Rocket enjoyable. Poo.)
Mad Men Season 3 [8]

If you haven't seen this show.. what the fuck. It just keeps getting better. The 3rd season was unfuckingbelievable. But I am no longer a fan of Betty Draper. Shame on you Bets! I love Joan and her full figure.
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