I'm thinking that if I want more people to read this then I have to start adding more pictures. Something more visually stimulating, a bunch of naked lesbians hugging maybe? I dunno.. I'm just sayin..
But actually the lesbian picture is relevant, it's a promo picture for the show The L Word on Showtime. I just started watching it since I recently finished Sex and the City (that's a whole other post.) My manager said this is like a homosexual version of SATC set in Los Angeles.. then he added that there was strong nudity and sexual content. SOLD!
The first episode was 2 episodes combined so it was like a movie and I got kinda bored of it. But then last night I watched episodes 3 and 4 and found myself oohing and aahing, it IS actually very good! Apparently it's tres chic to be a lesbian! Sign me up! (My boyfriend doesn't like it AT ALL though, I'm beginning to think he only likes movies/tv shows with dudes in them. He hates SATC AND The L Word! WTF!?)
I started bonding with the characters very quickly, taking sides and talking trash. Alice Pieszecki (played by Leisha Hailey) is my favorite so far, in the beginning I didn't like her, but after the 2nd episode her personality started shining through, beyond the rest of the cast's. And that's saying a lot considering how many damned characters there are. Though there are a ton of different people and various plots, it's not hard to keep track of what everyone's doing, not to mention WHO they're doing.. which is nice.
Five minutes into the first episode I saw 2 vaginas and 4 boobs (cue raised eyebrow).. this is going to be a wonderful show.
Jesus christ, I DOOO sound like a lesbian. Bi-curious maybe ;]
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