Dare I even call this woman a customer? Actually I'm pretty sure she isn't, sooo.. 'crazy person from off the street of the week?'
This happened yesterday and I'm only getting around to posting it today because, surprise! I actually worked all night yesterday. (In between me dog sitting for a customer.. yes, while at work) So I'm just standing around, drinking my coffee, talking to a coworker and some fat woman comes in. The first thing I think is "where did all of her teeth go?" She comes to the counter and asks to use the phone.. I told her that it's actually impossible seeing as the phone doesn't reach far enough. You know what she fucking says to me?!??!?!?! "Well can't you just hold it and dial and then hand the phone to me?" (The CORD reaches her) I roll my eyes at her and I make sure she notices my reaction.
Then she makes me dial a 1-800 number! A 1-800 NUMBER! Unfuckingbelievable. THEN! She says "press zero for me" ...my jaw drops. You know who I find out she's calling, her goddamn motherfucking BANK. She seriously talks to her bank for FIVE minutes. All the while I'm holding the phone in my hands, not able to help any other customers.
Once she gets off the phone she hands it to me and then just walks out the door. Right as she leaves my coworker and I start talking shit about her. Girlfriend needs a reality check. About a half hour later she comes back in and stands in line, she tries to ask to use the phone again but I just walk away and ignore her. Finally she leaves.
Needless to say I had a horrible night at work. And then another customer was copping an attitude with me because I wasn't being nice enough. Well fuck YOU too. I am sick and tired of people not 'liking' my attitude. I'm sorry I'm not gonna be fake and pretend to like you or care about what you have to say all the time. I'm a hateful person. I'm bitter. Get over it. (I promise I never used to be this way. Once upon a time I was a happy person)
After I got off work I went to Safeway, bought apple juice, cheese and asparagus, went home, got extremely stoned and tried to watch Arlington Road. All I remember is some kid with a funky bloody hand. Gonna need to rewatch THAT one.
