He has that bluetooth headphone shit in his ear.. AND he's talking on his actual phone. Point of bluetooth being??? Anyway, I thought he was going to get off the phone.. I thought wrong.. this mother fucker stays on the phone the entire duration of checking out the movie. He literally doesn't say ONE word to me.
I ask for his last name and he just pushes his credit card towards me, so I eventually find him in the computer.. check the movie out to him and then asks if he wants a bag or his receipt.. he just completely ignores me and continues to talk on the phone! Listen mother fucker! Its awkward enough trying to ask you questions while you're talking to somebody else, but to IGNORE me! Don't be suprised if late fees pop up outta nowhere on your account you prick!
That is one of my biggest pet peeves! You do NOT talk on the phone while you're buying something.. I even think it's rude to just be walking around the store talking on the phone. I don't want to hear your conversation! I mean.. unless you're at Safeway or some big store where nobody can hear you.. then that's acceptable. But I could walk the length of this store in under 15 seconds.. so I hear EVERYYYTHING. Annoyyyyying!
I swear to god, the next time somebody is this rude I'm going to take one of our box cutters and shove it into their aorta.. while laughing.. and spitting on them..
This is what they're going to look like.. (pre blood spurting.)
This is what they're going to look like.. (pre blood spurting.)

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