I've been putting this post off for a while now, in hopes that what I'm about to say wouldn't actually be true. Folks.. I finished watching the entire Sex and the City series.. I got done with it a few weeks ago actually.. and I'm STILL upset about it. It's hands down the greatest television show of ALL TIME. I cried and cried when it ended, and I don't care who knows! I know I'm a little behind on the times on this one, but at least I actually ended up watching it! (Thanks roomie!)
I've gotta tell you.. I'm a changed woman. Now am I not only obsessed with fashion but I am absolutely guilt free when I blow all my rent money on a pair of shoes. (Like I did today, oops!) And it's all thanks to Carrie! I am SATC OBSESSED now. The only thing I do at work besides blog and "work" is google Sex and the City and buy shoes online.
Ladies, if you haven't seen this show, and I mean every. single. episode. then go do it NOW. You can thank me later.
- I think that's all I'm going to say about it. I feel if I journey deeper into my SATC craze this post will end up about fashion.. then next thing you know the only thing this blog will be about is shoes and such. And I realllly don't want that to happen
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