Monday, August 17, 2009


A ton of girls always come into my work asking what a good romantic comedy is, being a horror lover myself I'm always stumped. It's at times like this where a romantic comedy section would come in handy. So,.. I made one! (Ladies, you're welcome) I did all the research and labor all myself! I'm pretty pleased actually, it came out quite nicely! And it turns out I've seen most of the movies in the section, (which isn't completely surprising, as I've seen almost every movie ever made.)


The racks aren't completely full because most of the 'better known' or 'classic' romcoms happen to already be in the Director's Section and my manager wouldn't let me take them out of it. THEN, we got into an argument about how Juno should be taken out because it isn't a romantic comedy. Well, I won and all our copies of the movie now live in the land of love and laughter.

Thinking about romcoms nonstop for a week strait got me pondering.. who's the queen of romantic comedies?!? I did a bit of googling and it's become apparent that most people have decided on 3 leading ladies. Meg Ryan, Sandra Bullock or Julia Roberts.. at first I decided that Meg Ryan got my vote. Then I realized, I wouldn't choose any of those actresses as the Romcom Queen! I choose..

Drew Barrymore!

She has got to be THE BEST! E.G. Never Been Kissed, Music & Lyrics, He's Just Not That Into You, Fever Pitch, 50 First Dates, Home Fries, The Wedding Singer, Lucky You (Romdramcom?) Not only has Drew been in as many, if not more romantic comedies than Julia Shmoolia and those other chicks, but she's been in better ones! Team Drew


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