WELL!!!! Friday we got a bunch of movies in and I took home The Last House On The Left and the 3rd season of Dexter (I'll post about that when I've finished it.) Then Friday night I watched Last House on the Left, I've never said this before.. but.. I think I kinda like it better than the Craven's original 1972 version!!
I usually HATE horror remakes, so I went into this thinking that it was going to be pretty bad. Much to my surprise it was wonderful! I came into work today and went to IMDB to read all the reviews people had written about it and most people seem to agree with me.. the only bad things people had to say about it is that it's completely different from the original (that's one thing I actually like about it, kept me guessing until the very end!) and that the rape scene was brutal and completely unnecessary. The rape scene was brilliant! It's totally up front in your face amazingness. I loved how they only filmed a few seconds of the actual rape, and then the camera went strait to the girls face. Caught every expression, sound and movement she made during the entire thing. (It's safe to say the rape scene lasted a good minute and a half or more)
It was brutal, bloody and brilliant. AND! There wasn't any nudity! Unless you count seeing the side of a butt. Usually nudity is a requirement in horror movies for me, but it didn't bother me at all. The only things I didn't like were how towards the end it became predictable for me and the very last scene was kinda lame and dispensable. I think it was them trying to get in their last little "hurrah" of gore into the movie. Bleh.
Besides those 2 things, I liked it a lot. I'll definately be recommending it to customers when it comes out on Tuesday.

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