Sunday, June 27, 2010



I'd like to know the world we live in when a fellow employee who can't do his fucking job right would be the next manager if my current one quit. Not only does this guy lock up and leave the store for up to 10 minutes at a time to go get food (shouldn't you bring everything you're going to need for your shift BEFORE you come into work?!) but he also leaves movies for me to put away when I open the store in the morning. And he can't seem to remember to put our sign back inside when he closes. I would like to wager my credibility as a mean fucking bitch that he will not get reprimanded for that little incident. But of course if either Brain or I forgot to bring the sign inside, we'd get grilled. If it got stolen, I'D get fired.

And you know, I hate to say it because I love my manager to death, but I'm thinking he can get away with all of his bullshit because he's a close friend of my managers. He's blind to his faults. Communists! Both of them!

I'm starting to get so upset at the fact that this little dweeb is considered a good employee that I'm seriously thinking about quitting. Not only do I have to put up with Brain but I have to put up with this fucking deadbeat. They both give me panic attacks, and I don't think this is something I should have to put up with seeing as I don't have a prescription to valium. I'm honestly afraid they're going to be the ones (besides my ex boyfriend and his skank ass ho girlfriend [bitter much?] ) to contribute to my full on in store melt down. One day they're going to come in only to find me lying there naked on the bathroom floor. Eyes gouged out. (Self inflicted of course)

I mean, ok yes,.. I occasionally drink at work all the time but my manager smokes weed in the bathroom, so there's the justification in that. And I may read and blog at work, but everyone else does too, and yet I still find the time to put the movies away. I may not be a pitch perfect employee, but I'm the best one this fucking store has. I don't go above and beyond, but only because I don't get paid enough to want to. I've never received a raise in the 2 years that I've worked here, and I don't believe one will be granted in the forseeable future.

I'm thinking about calling them out for sexism. (Or should I play the racist card?)

There's only so much I can take, and I can't take no more!


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