Sunday, May 31, 2009

"WOW" customer of the day

At my work, when a customer is checking out a movie we ask for their last name, then their first name and then instead of a membership card they get to create a.. membership "code number" that they have to enter before I can check the movie out to them. Unless the customers are regulars they NEVER remember their pin number (and it drives me absolutely insane) so then I have to see their id, then they have to create a new one which takes forever.. blah blah..

Let this be a warning to you dang customers: if you don't remember your pin, I automatically HATE you

Anyway, a customer just came in and couldn't remember his number..

Our conversation:

Me: "Ok, now enter your secret code."
Him: "I don't remember it"
Me: "Ok, well do you wanna just try and guess?"
..he then smashes his hand onto the keypad..
Me: "Wow, are you serious?"
Him: "Haha I told you I don't remember it."
..I look at him like he's the dumbest person I've ever met
Me: "So I'm assuming you want to create a new one then?"

And he thinks him hitting the keypad is funny too, and if it were a different customer/different scenario it probably would be, but when HE did it he got on my bad side. Then because I was looking at him like he was a piece of poo the rest of the time I was checking the movie out to him it got extremely awkward. Not so much for me, but for him. I don't think I'll be seeing that customer back again anytime soon.


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