Friday, September 4, 2009

Come here often?

I haven't blogged in like 2 weeks.


I've been in a slump lately.. I keep coming here to post and then nothing comes out.. I've watched soo many movies/tv shows, had so many obnoxious customers and I just can't seem to write about anything! Due to lack of clonazepam? I think so. But I just popped one so let's see how this goes..

(I've been meaning to rant about this for weeks now..)

After I ring a customer up I always ask "would you like a bag or receipt?" and most of the time their answer is "nah, save a tree!" Really? Because it takes an entire tree to produce a 2X4 inch piece of paper? ..AND I'm pretty sure plastic doesn't come from trees.. (right?)

OR they do this (which is even worse and makes me want to slit their achilles)

I'll do the monotonous 'bag or receipt' ritual and they say "no thanks".. then I'll walk away to put the movies on the counter by the door (so the movies don't beep going through the detector mabob) and then they'll say "oh yeah, a receipt" ..for fucks sake! Isn't that what I just asked you 20 seconds ago!? Why don't you say yes in the first place??? Customers do this countless times a day, so I'm like OK it's gotta be me.. I'll say receipt really loud.. results don't change.. I even started saying receipt BEFORE bag.. same thing..

I know it seems like such a small thing to flip out about but it happens so many times a day, everyday, that it's made it on my Top 10 Pet Peeves list..

Fuckin customers


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