Thursday, November 19, 2009

It's A Small, Small World

It's official.. I've been formally dubbed "The Videostore Girl"

AT LEAST once a day (when I'm NOT at work) someone will come up to me and be like.. "You're Miranda right?" Uhhh... I can be anyone you want me to be baby..

Depending on my answer and location, (if it's in a bar then the scenario tends to be a whole lot different..) they usually follow up with.. The Videostore Girl? Psh! Puh leeeeze! I think you meant to say The Really Rad Blog Writing Girl..

The other day while I was perousing the aisles of Safeway I get a.. "Soooo, you're Miranda right? The Videostore Girl?" "Why yes,.. yes I am." "Ok cool." And then they just walk away.. really??? That's it? Don't leave me hangin girlfriiiiiiend! And then a woman just came in, bought Madea Goes To Jail and then asked "You Miranda? I told someone I was going to the videostore and they told me to tell 'Miranda The Videostore Girl' that they say hello.." Well.. swell! The fact that you can't remember the person's name doesn't matter.. at all...

I guess it's just that whole 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon thing..

..And with that I'll leave you with the tagline for my movie (that's totally going to be made about me someday)... "Videostore Girl by day, pill popping alcoholic by night" TM!!


Oh, and P FUCKING S.. I'm going to see New Moon at 12:01 tonight. BOOOOOOOM

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