Friday, November 27, 2009

Diz Some Bullllllshit

I walk into work this morning and find these movies, and they weren't even in their cases. I was the one that did that. Now I'M going to be the one to put them all away. Correct me if I'm wrong but this seems to be a legitimate reason to rant. The stack has been accumilating all week and nobody bothered to put the movies away. Hmm..

The way I've always done it, I make sure to put all the movies away that were returned while I was working before the next person comes to work. Less work for them. I'm a kind and thoughtful person, no need to remind me.. but the other people that work here just don't seem to get it (they're all male. WEIRD.) "Hey, Miranda's a girl, let's dump this load on her so I can be lazy and not to a god damn fucking thing." (Not that kind of dump..) One person is definately worse than all the other two. I won't name names. It's getting old boys. If I can fuck around on the internet, read all day and still find time to do my job, I'm thinking you should be able to do the same.

  • I'm ALSO thinking it's time for a mother fucking raise. Or a picture of me, framed and labeled "Miranda: Employee of the decade" Either would suffice.
P.S. Hang on to your husbands girrrrlzzzz, I'm newly single ;]

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