Friday, April 2, 2010


Googling people of the opposite sex. We all do it. Working at a videostore I meet a lot of oddballs, and if they're interesting enough I usually end up googling or facebooking them once they have left the store. (Not so much the latter anymore, I'm on a facebook hiatus) This has worked in my favor many a times. And rarely is the person I'm internet stalking even someone I'm romantically interested in. Just someone I want to know more about.

"That last name sounds all too farmiliar.. I think they're famous.. they sound like they know how to get on the 'in' with Timothy Hutton. BLAMO!"

Wehh he helllllll.. YESTERDAY, I'm talking to this guy. He likes blood & guts (win) he's not obsessed with Asian cinema like most avid movie watchers seem to be (win win) and he's new to the area and doesn't know anyone I know (major win.) We bonded over my love of pickles (I keep the fridge at work stocked) and how epic the trailer for Clash of The Titans is. So I'm thinking, "Cool, a f-r-i-e-n-d!"

He leaves and I immediately google him. (He mentioned earlier that he was in a band and I didn't wanna be all like "omg omg which one?!" because really I don't care all that much.. but he wasn't all trying to tell me which one, which got me curiouser and curiouser, so I just had to find out for myself.)

Fucking, he forgets something and comes back and that motherfucker catches me googling his ass. I looked like a deer in headlights.

I used my favorite 'this can't be happening, I'm so confused, why am I so awkward, what do I say?!' line "IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE." Tried and True.

Warning: Do NOT google someone unless you are absolutely positive they have left the vicinity. For good.


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