Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I know famous people?

One of the perks of working in the Pearl District? I randomely socialize with very wealthy people. And most of these people work in the entertainment industry! Helloooo 15 minutes of fame!! As a customer once told me, "You are very unapproachable." Well sir! I'd like to have you know that once upon a time, long looong ago, someone bought me a drink at a bar! Anyway, so, like it was said, I'm unapproachable! This is why I'm convinced that I'm not currently the lead actor in a hit tv series. I mean, I do tend to cut conversation as short as possible with my customers,.. I rarely smile.. if customers make jokes I hardly laugh, and even then it's usually AT them. I need be retardedly outgoing! I need to pretend to love everything that's coming out of these obnoxious customers' mouths! But HOW I ask!??!

I'm going to seriously try and make it a point to make small meaningless chat with all my customers (except the one's that I KNOW can't help me out with my celebrity problem).. This is what my manager does and he just told me today he's going out for drinks with an ex Hollywood manager man! WHAT! I want to do that!! Apparently this manager guy knows Bruce Willis! (He said he's the biggest scum bag of them all, weeeird.) AND my superior at work said he had a lengthy conversation with this cinematographer yesterday and he's gonna try and get 'in' with him! This is absolutely criminal! I was the one that knew he was famous and sensationally rich first! I totally googled him and then told my manager who he was, I'm the one that should be getting the 'in' with him. (Me, me, me, I'm, I'm, I'm) I'm just going to go along pretending that I don't know who he is and then magically he'll be like, "Miranda, you're extravagant! Sensational! Scandelous! Looooves it! Meet this famous director I know and he'll make you a staaar!" Yes.. that's exactly how it's going to work out..

And ACTUALLY the producer/director of the tv show Leverage came into my work a week or so ago, we chatted for a bit, he was impressed with my coolness.. and he then proceeded to invite me to the set of the show.. Baaaboom! Caaaching!

My work here is done all he has to do is actually come back to my place of labor..


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