Monday, April 27, 2009

Creepy Collages

So I finally made another collage, well actually I made two, but am currently only showing one. I started out with the whole "High School Musical" theme, but as I was ripping out the pages in all my tabloids, I realized that there aren't any pictures of anyone else from the movie series.. only these two cheap dates.. well, in all honestly there was the occasional Tisdale picture.. but it didn't make sense to add her to this masterpiece.

Then I had about 50 magazines that I was about to RECYCLE (!) and I realized I should probably have another collage handy incase something happens to my Zefron one. Then I had to think! Think! Think! and the only thing I could come up with is a celebrity baby one because there are trillions upon trillions of paparazzi pictures of uber rich toddlers.. I had MORE than enough pictures to put together a second photomontage.

I present to you, my extremely creepy celebrity baby photo pasting design

But I decided that it was far beyond disturbing so I in no way am going to be able to use this one. At least I had something to do to pass the time at work.. (I'm still going to save it.. just incase.)


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