Monday, July 13, 2009

I am not mapquest

Today an elder gentleman (when I say elderly I mean a super old fart) comes in and asks me something. I can't hear a god damn fucking thing he says so I have to ask him multiple times to repeat himself.

Turns out he needs directions to Terwillager bridge (and since there is no bridge I'm assuming he meant Blvd.) There's a line of customers but being the outstanding citizen I AM I go to google and googlemap his destination. Which turns out is actually the OHSU hospital.. and he doesn't even know the actual address..

(I just want to get one thing perfectly clear, I work in a VIDEO STORE)

So I type in OHSU hospital, about 20 different addresses pop up.. I just choose the first one..

I print out the directions, then I also print out a map of the streets (trying to make this quest as easy as possible for this geezer.)

He mumbles a thanks and then leaves.


I hope I sent him to the right place.. and if I didn't.. well.. it's not my fucking job to print out maps for customers anyway, let alone NONcustomers.

A good deed never goes unpunished

Geriatrics these days


1 comment:

  1. Why is it that everyone who is lost pops their head in that fucking store to ask for directions?! This is always how my conversations would go:
    Them: "Where is such and such?"
    Me: "Um...Sorry, I am not sure"
    Them: (scoff) "How can you NOT know where it is?"
    Me: " don't. Neither do I."
    Them: "But you work right here"
    Me: "Exactly, I can help you find a video".
